L-1310-LB Four-Step Topside Mount Stainless Steel Dock Ladder - 6" Handles
This four-step high-quality, USA-made, four-step stainless steel dock ladder is fabricated from 16 gauge 1.5-inch diameter lightly buffed stainless steel. The handles extend 24" high from the dock deck and extend 7.6" on the dock surface. The steps are also 16 gauge and 3.25" wide with anti-skid strips. The mounting braces are 16 gauge satin-finish square tubing sized for 3/8" hardware.
All the welds on this ladder are tig-welded with stainless steel filler and passivated to preclude corrosion in accordance with ASTM B117-11: Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus, and ASTM A967-05E2 Practice C: Standard Specification for Chemical Passivation Treatments for Stainless Steel Parts.
The unit ships with all the necessary assembly hardware (stainless steel bolt kit L-1100-50) but not the hardware required to mount the ladder to the dock since all docks require different mounting hardware.
This four step dock ladder is load tested at over 750 lbs.
View the Technical Data Sheet for dimensional information and installation instructions.